En Cecip estamos al servicio de tu salud y belleza, con cirujanos certificados para brindarte la atención necesaria en tu procedimiento.
Contáctanos y agenda tu cita al:
📞 +1 (809) 686 7290
#CecipRD #BellezaEstetica #ComeToDR #RepublicaDominicana #CirugiaPlastica #CirugiaEstetica #CirujanosCertificados #AumentoDeSenos #Mamoplastia
At Cecip we are at the service of your health and beauty, with certified surgeons to provide you with the necessary care for your procedure.
Contact us and schedule your appointment at:
📞 +1 (809) 686 7290
#CecipRD #AestheticBeauty #ComeToDR #DominicanRepublic #PlasticSurgery #AestheticSurgery #CertifiedSurgeons #BreastAugmentation #mammoplasty